Saturday, January 30, 2010

Salvia Divinorum: Better Recall

I tried some organic x20 Salvia this morning. My first smoke was just to try, I did not feel anything, so I repeated with a larger dose. This time I felt that irritating feeling in my throat as I inhaled, so I new the amount was about right. I lied down in bed and kept the fume in my lungs waiting for the show to commence.

Now I was able to observe everything, even the moment, I used to forget. I recall those small organisms about 2 inch long, red on the outside, yellow on the inside, with black contours. My whole reality was composed of them. They were flowing like water. My body was also composed of them. As always I had this feeling, that I am not alone, and somebody is with me. As I kept my eyes closed I sensed I am under ground, or under those small organisms and people were trying to uncover me, to excavate. They had several holes prepared. I was conscious all this time, aware of my every experience. Soon the effect started to wear out.

I realized organic Salvia has less effect on my lungs or they just got used to this irritation.

Amanita Muscaria: First Experience

First I'd like to describe the effects from my previous Salvia Divinorum experience. I'd say effect while smoking is powerful but it is short lived, and it has a burning sensation on your lungs. It took about two days until this irritating sensation was gone. I am not a smoker, so this method is quite unacceptable to me. I've decided to smoke only once a week or so, or even better to buy some chewable Salvia dried leaves foliage.

Now about mushrooms. Yesterday I took about halve of a small cap. Waited up to one hour until effects started. It felt as I was lightly intoxicated by wine, except there were no bad side effects. I've got some extra salivation an my energy was sublimated to my head. This light headedness took about one and a halve hours. I reapeated the dose in the evening, taking in account, that the effect must take place right at the moment I am going to bed. Well nothing happened at that time. But, I must say, my night was full of experiences.

I had lots of dreams that night. My first that I recall was throat chakra being attacked, my second was not too pleasant as well. I used to wake up after every dream. Still with my eyes closed I was able to witness the most wonderful views. The colors were vivid and 3D. I saw a multitude of large artisan cakes as if I was in baker shop. Later I saw some wonderful and colorful architecture. I was trying to maintain my awareness and concentration to prolonge this experience.

I also recall pre-OBE vibrations ocuring that night, I just could not exploit those moments to have full blown OBE.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Salvia: Staying Aware

Three days have passed since my last serious Salvia smoke. I mean, I took a weak dose yesterday, just to find out the amount which would be right for me. And I still wanted the effects from previous experiments to calm down, as sometimes I felt too overwhelmed, moments of extreme sadness and insecurity would rush over me.

So I took about 2mg Salvia and held the fume as long as possible in my lungs. I lied down. Tried to maintain a positive attitude, as I've read somewhere, that experiments with Salvia or other psychedelics must be performed only in good mood.

A few seconds after my intake a familiar sensation occurred. It felt as if I was in a field and had to deliver something somewhere, there were a lot of "me", and some other people. I did not see them, I just had this sensation. Those other people also had to deliver something, some kind of books.

This time I was aware of everything, even my physical body, I kept still, not to disturb my experience. At the same time I felt my left side of the body getting extremely large, as if it was going to cover the whole area of the field that I felt I was hovering over. No bad sensations were present this time as I was aware of this unreality.

The effect of Salvia was starting to wear out. I was continuing lying in the bed and at the same time trying to memorize everything that happened to me. I realized this experience is a very good exercise for concentration and memory. Once you loose concentration you loose awareness and start feeling this extreme insecurity and fear.

I am not sure about this, but Salvia might work as some kind of booster of your current state of emotions as well. So it is very important to get to a positive state of mind before an experiment.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Salvia x20 ~3mg: Weak Effect

I started to realize the effects of Salvia yesterday, and, I think, it is not a placebo effect, because I did not know what to expect from it. So, after all, I felt much calmer, had no desire to play violent video games, or ingest any unhealthy or fatty foods, even meat. My sexual urges were absent, or sublimated, I felt like all my energy is in the head, because it was aching a little and it felt like after a good dose of Pranayama.

I could say how much my perspective on life has changed, because I understood how little we need so the chemical balance in the brain would change and one may live in hell permanently. That, perhaps, may also be until one adapts to to that new condition.

This morning I tried to establish the dose where I still remain aware of the surroundings and my psyche. I took approximately 3mg of Salvia x20 smoked it in one breath and held it for a couple of seconds. My heartbeat and blood pressure increased enormously. I kept my eyes open and waited for this strange pressing feeling to come over me but it never came. So I understood the dose was just right or too week and closed my eyes.

Soon I began to feel the twisting motion: my left hand was moving upward, while my right arm was dipping down. I was aware of this phenomenon and stayed lying in my bed still. No visual hallucination was present. My body became weightless, only irritation of smoke in my throat distracted me. I also had this unpleasant association of the Salvia smoke taste and the fear that I used to accompany my experience in my previous attempts.

I slept for 4-5 hours last night waking up and falling asleep back again, so I felt a little sleepy. This was gone completely after I took the smoke.

I've just read online Salvia helps cure addictions, even crack or cocaine. I think that might work, because until now I feel my behavior pattern has changed a lot, and I did not want this or expect this. It just happened. As I have mentioned before I feel balanced and have no desire to indulge myself in any harmful habitual activity, or strong emotions, or ingest any unhealthy food.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Salvia Experiment: Reality Eaters

Early morning. I smoked five milligrams of Salvia x20. As I prepared I lied down in my bed still holding the fume in my lungs. Soon the strange "pressure" started and I released the smoke. Again I could not catch that moment when my consciousness drifted away. A view of hundred strange small organisms appeared. They were consuming my "reality" from my left side. I wanted this to stop immediately, but somehow I knew this is just a dream and it will end soon. My memory of anything was lost. There were only those little organisms and myself lying like a giant composed of hundreds of small "me". They were acting on my command and it looked like a wave. I opened my eyes and recalled that I've just smoked something as I had that irritating feeling in my throat. Still not fully conscious I thought how could I have lied in the bed, I completely missed that moment. I moved my physical head a little and this confirmed that this was just a bad dream, but somehow it was not ending. I still felt that uncomfortable feeling of not being able to control my psychological state and my awareness. The experience was terrible, but not as my first experience, because I have pre-programmed myself that everything will be fine. Soon I became aware what happened and was so extremely happy to return to normal.


My First Salvia Experiment

It was evening. I just came back from Toronto downtown with a bong, torch lighter and a gram of x20 Salvia Divinorum. First I started with just bits of Salvia, smoked - nothing happened. After five minutes decided to repeat with approximately 5 milligrams. I smoked it and was holding my breath also holding the bong at my lips. I completely did not know what to expect. I felt like a warm wave of pressure was occupying my left side, then a strange feeling of anxiety took over my. There was this feeling that I am going to die very soon and I have to say good bye to every one. I was still with my opened eyes and half conscious, perfectly controlling my physical body. So I was about to run downstairs, I put down my bong on the floor. The feeling of death was so intense that I almost panicked, but it also was so familiar, as if that was coming from my previous dreams or nightmares. Then, as I was leaving my room I realized that it was some kind of experiment I was doing and it went wrong. I was so sorry about this. I returned to my bed and was sitting there for a moment. Now more conscious I was staring at the floor and observed how light my body is and that I actually do not even feel it. It was like I was a point of observation. Sweat was all over me. That feeling of death was following me till night and I felt depressed, but it changed my perspective on life, I wasn't sure so much about anything.
