Saturday, February 11, 2006

Dream: The Lift

I walked through the corridors of my high school. I was on the first floor. It was going dark outside. There were some other pupils around. I have decided to take a look from the roof of the school. I asked one of the responsible pupils to let me go up there. I knew there was a window leading straight on the roof and I could see it from the place I was in, but the person pointed me to the chair, which was supposed to take lift me up there.

I did not even have a time to sit on that chair when it started to move up. I knew the lift personnel did it on purpose. I just grabbed the chair with my hands and tried to hold on. It was speeding so fast that I even felt the wind blowing. I made my best attempt to hold on to that chair. I knew the roof should be already there, but the chair kept on going. It was a complete darkness in that lift tunnel. I was afraid my hands will get tired and I eventually go down and kill myself. The lift continued to speed for about a minute.

At that pace, I should have made about 2 kilometers, but when I finally arrived and stepped out of the lift tunnel, I realized I was on the roof of my school, which was about 15 meters up from the ground. I looked around. There were some more tunnels leading down. The roof was a popular place among pupils and teachers, I thought, but for now, I was alone there. I also noticed an alternate way that I could use in order to get down from the roof.

For the next few minutes, I was trying to let the lift rope down to the lift personnel because I felt that I am done with the school and I am not going to return there.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Experience: Astral Sight & pre-OBE Vibrations

This has been a long time since I had a proper OBE last time. I wondered that maybe I ceased to have those experiences because I resumed practicing the grounding techniques.

Yesterday I decided to skip my usual “5 Tibetans” and the grounding exercises routine because a day before I had over-practiced my meditation with the Audio/Visual stimulation device. In other words - I had a headache.

This morning I suddenly realized I could see through my closed eyelids. This experience was quite often to me. I was seeing my childhood room. It was all black & white. My gaze was fixed in one point of the window. I could also observe some toys on the TV set with my peripheral vision (I do not know if that is the correct expression, because there is no such a thing with astral sight – everything you see is clear and sharp even if it is not in the center of your perception, anyway). For some reason I was anxious to meet a ghost, I even tried to visualize an angel.

Then I moved my point of view at the ceiling, as if I was lying on my back. I have noticed a hole on it. It took me a while to realize, that there should be a lamp hanging out at that spot.

It is an interesting thing – I always see some kind of hole before my OBE if the astral sight is active at that moment. I guess that hole works as a gate between the two worlds – the Real Time Zone and the Astral world.

Soon afterwards, the famous pre-OBE vibrations took over my body and it continued for about a minute. I was waiting relaxed for the separation to happen, but I was still in my body. I tried to do a couple more tricks like Full Body Circuit or Third Eye Trigger, but nothing helped – vibrations were going on and I was still in my body. Finally, I chanted my Babaji’s mantra, the vibrations increased several times; I got excited and I failed my exit. I fell asleep soon afterwards.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Lucid Dream: Saving a Friend

I guess that was a lucid dream as opposed to an astral projection, because I did not experience any pre-OBE symptoms. The images I saw were very clear and sharp.

I was hanging around some kind of a house at night. I knew it was my native town, Raseiniai. I felt I was there before. I have decided to look inside that building so I entered it straight though a wall. It was a multistoried house with several rooms. The light was lit inside and I could see children sitting or playing on beds in they rooms. I knew an old man that kept them locked was using them in his porno movies and was abusing them badly.

I kept flying through the stores of the building unnoticed. On the topmost store, I found one of my childhood friends. I did not ask any questions; just grabbed him and we flew away to my parents’ house so fast nobody could notice our escape. I turned around. There were wireworks at the place we just escaped.