It was early morning. I was lying on my bed and suddenly pre-OBE vibrations caught my body. I could see with my eyes into the Real Time zone, a plane between the physical and the astral worlds. I could see my room where my body was actually lying, but it was enormously changed. I relaxed and applied the Third Eye Gazing technique to trigger my OBE. This time my exit was unusually easy.
After that, I realized I was lying in the same place where my actual physical body is lying, but I was unable to move it. I realized I still was in the Real Time Zone, and my physical body was attracting my astral double as a magnet. I have collected all my will power to make an attempt to jump away from my body. It was not easy. Few attempts went unsuccessfully; I was still in the same place. Then I somehow managed to grab some kind of a handle on the sidewall and extract myself away from my physical body. I was moving extremely slow. Meanwhile I could observe the room: it was a room very similar to my bedroom. I could also notice that there was a reverse mirror reflection of my room, but I could also walk into that reflection as well. My sight was somewhat paralyzed, because both of my eyes were looking into the opposite directions. I have closed one of my eyes, and then I could see something. I have tried to do the same with my other eye.
I spent a few moments analyzing the environment. I needed to force my body movements as if my body was rigid and inflexible. One idea was spinning in my head that I should return to my physical body because it is not recommended to be outside of my body for extended periods of time for the first time (even though this was not my first OBE). I crawled back to my body. It was standing on the edge of my bed. I have plunged into it as if it was some kind of diver’s uniform.
I felt I was in my body again. Then I woke up and realized I had an OBE in my dream. In other words, I had to wake up for two times. The first time I returned from my OBE, but I was still dreaming, then I woke up in reality.