Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Salvia Divinorum: Forgotten Memory

This time my direct Salvia experience was not so interesting as the one one that followed right after. I mean during the intoxication I saw regullar things like small red cars, and experienced the usual "personality multiplication effect".

So after the effects of Salvia were wearing out I was lying still in my bed without any desire to move even finger, because it felt so good. Suddenly a very old memory surfaced. I even doubted: was it my memory or somebody's else. A few moments after I recalled the whole situation what happened that evening. My memory was real and it was as follows.

We were kids. Probably first, or second graders. I was on my way home from school with other friends. It was winter and it was dark. Weather temperature was around zero, so snow was starting to melt. This was ideal for snow balls and "snow wars".

I recall we entered in to some kind of disagreement with a group of other youngsters, from a yard we were passing by. We shouted and were throwing snow balls into each other. Suddenly I felt a very painful hit to my head and fell on the ground. I realized I received one of those ice snow balls, that are prepared by making a snow ball and compressing its snow so hard until it becomes icy. I remember how helpless I felt. I also recall that feeling of anger or desire to avenge at that time.

Perhaps this memory surfaced in to my conscious mind because I still was holding that anger subconsciously.


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