Salvia x20 ~3mg: Weak Effect
I started to realize the effects of Salvia yesterday, and, I think, it is not a placebo effect, because I did not know what to expect from it. So, after all, I felt much calmer, had no desire to play violent video games, or ingest any unhealthy or fatty foods, even meat. My sexual urges were absent, or sublimated, I felt like all my energy is in the head, because it was aching a little and it felt like after a good dose of Pranayama.
I could say how much my perspective on life has changed, because I understood how little we need so the chemical balance in the brain would change and one may live in hell permanently. That, perhaps, may also be until one adapts to to that new condition.
This morning I tried to establish the dose where I still remain aware of the surroundings and my psyche. I took approximately 3mg of Salvia x20 smoked it in one breath and held it for a couple of seconds. My heartbeat and blood pressure increased enormously. I kept my eyes open and waited for this strange pressing feeling to come over me but it never came. So I understood the dose was just right or too week and closed my eyes.
Soon I began to feel the twisting motion: my left hand was moving upward, while my right arm was dipping down. I was aware of this phenomenon and stayed lying in my bed still. No visual hallucination was present. My body became weightless, only irritation of smoke in my throat distracted me. I also had this unpleasant association of the Salvia smoke taste and the fear that I used to accompany my experience in my previous attempts.
I slept for 4-5 hours last night waking up and falling asleep back again, so I felt a little sleepy. This was gone completely after I took the smoke.
I've just read online Salvia helps cure addictions, even crack or cocaine. I think that might work, because until now I feel my behavior pattern has changed a lot, and I did not want this or expect this. It just happened. As I have mentioned before I feel balanced and have no desire to indulge myself in any harmful habitual activity, or strong emotions, or ingest any unhealthy food.
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