My First Astral Projection (1)
This spontaneous OBE happened to me due to my rigorous yoga routine about five years ago. I used to practice for four to six hours daily waking up at 3:00 in the morning then plunging myself into advanced Pranayama techniques even though I was not prepared for them.
After one of those early practices, I was lying in my bed in a trance-like state, half-asleep, probably resting in Shavasana. It was still dark outside. Suddenly I became conscious because of the strong vibrations taking all over my body. I was completely unaware what is happening to me. I felt my heart was beating about 300 beats per minute (actually it was my heart chakra as I have realized it later) and I thought it was going to explode. Nevertheless, I knew there is something related to OBE happening so I did let it go.
After a few moments, black pitched darkness surrounded me and scary astral noises commenced. I felt very uneasy, but kept calmness inside and wated patiently. I could see various ornaments approaching me in the darkness, spinning clockwise and I had submerged into them. There was this terrible sound of a massive locomotive speeding through me with his alarms and whistles blowing at full extent. I could also hear various voices and steps walking right beside me. That was very creepy!
In the moment all the noises had stopped. A view of some kind of room faded in. I felt I was flying... through my room. Astral wind was carrying me. I could recognize my room, but it was changed: there was no kitchen table, no carpet, there were some old maple leaves lying on the floor.
I flew right through my kitchen window even if it was closed. I realized I could possibly be in the Astral Plane. This made me very excited. I took control of my flight and headed towards the main entrance. I kept touching things on my way. Everything looked as realistic as on the Physical Plane. The only difference was that if I wanted my hand go through those things it would go, I could also go or fly through walls and change forms of the objects at will.
I saw my hosts sitting outside at the table and drinking some kind of tea. They appeared much younger to me than they are in reality. Now when I was aware of my immortality I wanted to make a rush to my room through all the walls that were on my way. I flew at an enormous speed and a sound of the shattering glass was heard behind me. I looked at my body – I was still uninjured, though I was strangely dressed.
When I made my way to my room, I was surprised to see a young Papua native dancing in there. He resembled me in a way, but was smaller and one eye blind. I observed his dance for some while and suddenly I entered his body. Now I could see myself dancing in his body in front of a mirror. I could also notice that my right eye was useless. That was an interesting experience.
After that, I realized I was lying near or in my physical body but could not control any of my limbs. I made a few unsuccessful attempts to enter my body this made me uneasy. I thought I could never enter my body again and inevitably die! Finally I relaxed, and probably, felt asleep, this helped me to return to my body of flesh.