Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Technological Invention for Effortless Meditation - Holosync

First, I was introduced to meditation and yoga about 5 years ago. I found it quite difficult to maintain concentration and my mind kept wondering. Nevertheless, by rigorous practice of breathing techniques I was able to quiet my mind for short periods of time.

Two years ago or so I was having a terrible headache, which is still lasting at some degree since then. I was doing a research online looking for the cause and a possible solution to it. I have discovered Binaural Beats and how they work on human brain on one website. There was a list of human brainwave patterns and their effect on body and mind. I found that one which removes headache so I designed a stereo track on Sound Forge by Sonic Foundry.

I listened to that self-made track for about 20 minutes and felt I was in a trancelike state. It was quite extraordinary, because I did not believe anything unless I tested it for myself. After that, I sought online for the similar software, because I knew there was somebody before me was doing the same thing. I found Brainwave Generator, free software with great presets, community and forum. I was experimenting with it for few days in a row, some mystical experiences happened.

I kept looking on the Internet. I found the most promoted program on the Internet – Holosync. I listened to their free demo track, and was amazed how quick it was – my mind started falling to the trancelike state as soon as I put the headphones on. I bought the initial level (they have designed 12 levels or so) for this amazing program and enjoyed the results – effortless meditation.

My friends also had similar experiences. They even reported the first signs of Kundalini awakening as well as other signs of spiritual progress while on the 4th level of this program.


At 10:26 AM, Blogger impossibiru said...

Thanks for stopping by MalcolmX. My advice would be to keep doing reality checks on physical plane until it becomes a second nature to you, until you become aware of every of your actions. If you do reality checks, lets say, once an hour – do it more often, catch yourself doing something unconscious, lets say scratching your head or speaking to someone. Observe yourself all the time until it becomes a habit. It goes to your sub conscience when it becomes a habit; it means you are carrying it to your dreams as well. Then in your dreams, you start performing reality checks as well. This technique trains your mind to be conscious in reality and then carry it to your dreams.


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