Thursday, December 15, 2005

Failed OBE (53)

I do not recall what my dream was about, but I remember becoming lucid in that dream. Once I realized my lucidity I performed the Falling Backwards technique to enter the Astral Plane. No sooner than I began falling backwards in my dream, the well-known symptoms of pre-OBE were initiated – my whole body was submerged into vibrations.

After a few moments I became conscious of my physical body that was lying on my right side on my bed. Falling backwards was a little complicated in this situation because it was unnatural. I should have tried falling on my side in this case, but it was hard to trick my mind so I just relaxed and performed the Third Eye Gazing technique to trigger an OBE. I felt my leg muscles twitching, that was not good because it could fail my attempt at any time.

Whole body vibrations continued for a few minutes and I was still unable to separate from my body. Not enough, I felt my saliva collecting in my mouth. That was completely distracting. For some reason I thought if I swallow it my OBE attempt will fail for sure. Possibly, I have programmed myself to fail my Astral Projection thinking that way. Mind becomes very susceptible in the trance state, so as soon as swallowed that saliva the pre-OBE vibrations faded away and I felt completely conscious lying on my bed again.


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