Saturday, January 21, 2006

Nightmare: Giant Spider

I was somewhere in mountains. I could see huge stone rocks lying around me. It was a cloudy day. I could hear something nearing to me. Its steps were heavy and frequent. I was very frightened when I realized that it was a giant gray spider about 10 feet tall. He noticed me and stopped for a moment. I did not even attempt to move. He spitted some kind of a rope on me; I guess that was his net. I moved promptly to my left and avoided the collision.

Now I was sure he did not like me, so I ran in panic to hide somewhere. I found a cave of rocks and observed my opponent through a slit. He noticed me, moved forwards and started his heavy artillery again. I felt his nets touching me, but it did not hurt, it just was a very unpleasant sensation. Not enough, I was unable to find any exit from the cave that moment. I was trapped... I woke up.


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