Sunday, January 15, 2006

Experiment: Effortless Visualization

I was meditating yesterday with my Auditory and Visual stimulation device (a binaural beats, neurological technology) called MindSpa. I was using a middle Theta brain wave pattern preset in that case. After about 15-18 minutes of meditation, I could observe images flashing in my minds eye. As in theory, Theta brainwaves help to promote ones creativity and visualization. I could experience this phenomenon in practice.

I attempted to take control of those images and started to visualize my room. This was so easy and effortless. I just saw my room with no strain on my memory. The view was not very clear, it could be better if I tried, but I could recognize some objects' details and textures. Then I decided to switch my mind among different known physical locations. Again, I saw those places effortlessly.


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